Object-Oriented HTML (aka AJAX++)

Object-Oriented HTML is a programming technique that treats HTML as serialized objects.

The IFCX design for O-O HTML builds on eRDF. The key concept is using class attribute names on HTML elements to denote the element's class. To keep the names conveniently short for authoring, but remain globally unique for automated processing, a LINK element in the document's HEAD provides the needed mapping.

The key strengths of this approach are:

I plan to provide working examples on using GWT to implement class behaviors in Java that run in web browsers (Drag & Drop being high on the list). Also I'll show how to use Java Persistence to provide relational mapping for RDF.

In the meantime, check out the eRDF Demo.

The (beginning of) an OOHTML implementation is shown in DemoOOHTML.

Tcl is another language that most folks don't think of when it comes to O-O. Here's an article about O-O Tcl.


This presentation Architectural Forms, CSS, and RDF - What do they have in Common and why should you care? by Felix Sasaki is on the same track but is XML Schema-oriented.

CSS is Fun


Eric Meyer has written a lot of stuff about CSS.



"XML Matters: Lighter than microformats: Picoformats"

S5 is a nifty microformat for CSS-powered slideshows. The S5 introduction slideshow cites another interesting microformat: XFN (XHTML Friends Network)).

XoxoOutliner, a microformat and browser based outliner.

Micronian, experimental microformat-based wiki.



The trouble with microformats though is they they've gone too far in reducing schema rigor and so the content can no longer be interpreted independent of its applications. And while the best practice is for microformatters to make the tiny accomodation of using Embedded RDF, for the rest we'll have to come up with annotations to provide that needed metadata.

Therefore we have to use essentially the same old ad hoc methods on the de facto microformat data to make in machine readable. http://semanticweb.org/wiki/Microformats_in_RDF


Operator (http://labs.mozilla.com/2006/12/introducing-operator) is a Firefox 2 extension that is doing the necessary microformat sniffing. We just need to add-on SWISS annotations to make those pages into Embedded RDF (and thus OOHTML).

RDF Forms in HTML

Danny Ayers talks about the need for eRDF (or RDFa) forms in HTML and he starts building some code for it: http://dannyayers.com:88/trac/wiki/MaticCode.


A Convention to Embed Bibliographic Metadata in HTML.

Plain Old HTML

While in OOHTML we usually let a web browser deal with the HTML and we just consider the DOM, sometimes we'ld like to standalone (and usually in Java).

TagSoup is an interesting alternative to JTidy or Tidy.

Other "Live" document systems

There are a vast number of such things. A few that are interesting are listed here.

Cornell Fedora


Jakarta Slide Projector
