Inheritance occurs in two different ways in
O-O HTML. One way is in
the definition of classes in RDF Schema, and is pretty much what
you would expect in any Object-Oriented class typing scheme. The
other is a bit unusual in that each element that appears in a HTML
document may instantiate more than one class.
An important variation of this support for multiple classes in an
element's class attribute is when the class name is not mapped by
eRDF. While those "classes" are not recognized by eRDF, they occur
frequently as legacy code, especially for CSS. The short story on
this is that it is _not_ necessary to _replace_ existing class
names if the old names are needed because you can just add on the
new eRDF class name.
<span class="sitetitle dc-title">Semantic Planet</span>
MI Examples
<img style="float: right" src="" class="foaf-depiction -foaf-Image" alt="A picture of me"/>
<span class="foaf-knows rel-parentOf -foaf-Person bio-child" id="kier"><span class="foaf-name">Kier</span></span>
<a href="" rev="dc.creator foaf.topic foaf.maker" rel="foaf.made foaf.homepage foaf-isPrimaryTopicOf">My personal home page</a>