The TREE-META Translator Writing System
Reference and documented historical information is in the Wikipedia article on TREE-META
The document I would most like to find is the tech report which I think was the documentation for the system.
The Tree-Meta
Compiler-Compiler System: A Meta Compiler System for the Univac
1108 and the General Electric 645. Carr, C. Stephen; Luther, David
A.; Erdmann, Sherian. 01 Mar 1969, 105 Pages, University of Utah
Technical Report (March 1969) Available as ARPA Order No. 829.
Of course I'd like to find any TREE-META related source (soft or hard copy) of any kind.
There is an article about The
programming languages behind "the mother of all
demos" at
Lambda the Ultimate.
At one point I suspected that Harold Carr was related to C. S. Carr (they both went to U. of Utah
CS), but that isn't the case. Harold did however dig up some
information on Stephen Carr, which he has given permission to
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: TREEMETA Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:41:08 -0700 From: Harold Carr <Harold.Carr@Sun.COM> To: Jim White <> References: <> Hello Jim, Here is what I have been able to find out about Steve. Stephen Carr worked with Duane Call and in particular Alan Kay. His name is C. Stephen Carr. In the late 60s the UUCS deparment's key players were Dave Evans, Alan Kay, Steve Carr and Bob Barton. Then along came Ivan Sutherland, and then Tom Stockham. Alan and Steve were just that prominent as students. Steve had a great deal to do with the early formation of the U of U CS Division of the EE Dept. Steve was very "professional," even as a student. He had a sort-of following of several younger students who assisted him with something-or-other and TreeMeta, but Alan Kay was the one off whom he bounced most of his ideas. Alan was developing his Flex machine ideas. The two of them, Alan and Steve (with Steve being the chief organizer) were the ones who talked Dave Evans into the A.B. Dick machine, and into graduate students being allowed to take road trips (to places like MIT, Stanford, the Algol-68 conference in Vancouver, BC, etc.) The two of them formed a company called Creative X. Dave Walton and Duane Call, along with Alan Kay, worked on a Flex Machine implementation during that summer at Memcore/Montek (a division of LTV) in cooperation with an class-act engineer there by the name of Ed Cheadle. Duane worked on simulating the graphics engine, using sense switches on a small IBM machine to implement some rubber-band drawing functions so as to draw a picture of the Flex machine ON the Flex machine (you know, on the same theme as simulating the 1108 on the 1108, writing compiler compilers, etc.). Steve Carr also did some work back then on providing graphics tools for use by architects. Steve had a wedding ceremony and reception at the Ft. Douglas country club. Steve didn't share much information about the non-student part of his life, so the reception was a major happening. Steve was working in the Bay area with some financial institutions--not in the main stream computer science field. Steve has always been cordial, but seemingly very private. Steve ran a company called "Information Processing Technologies" and/or "Innovative Product Technology" till around 2000. Since then he has done technology litigation work and currently has a small company called "Technology Litigation Corporation." Nobody I know of has copies of his TreeMeta papers. Hope that helps, Harold
Stephen Carr
Authored RFC 15 - Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts